This is the quilt I made for Dena in a quilt swap on Flickr. So, ... We've got the overall shot of the quilt ... the Red Queen's window in the throne room (not the bathroom! Where she sits, on the throne.) It's based on the ticker tape method using a black background to emphasize the swirls. I drew out the swirls and glued all those tiny pieces around them. Next time, straight ticker tape all over fabric and applique black swirls over the tiny pieces.
The map I found on Google images by searching for Underland Map. I printed it out and to it to Kinko's, and a nice young man enlarged the picture and reversed it. My good friend, Kelly, introduced me to Citrasolve, a natural cleaning product. This method is VERY handy! AND easy! (two of my favorite ideas) You take the picture you want to transfer and put it over the fabric (it's good to use tape to keep things from shifting), take a bit of paper towel and dip it into the Citrasolve and dab it onto the paper. Then you use the back of a spoon and rub the snot out of it and then a miracle occurs and the picture transfers!
The chess board and figures were a lot of fun to figure out. I was so pleased to create a dimensional chess board. I am very pleased with the White Queen's silhouette.
The blocks in the right hand corner are a modified tea party block made with colors to represent the March Hare and Hatter.
The flowers were fun to make. I used my AccuQuilt GO! cutter to make the flowers. Quick, easy and accurate, so I could focus on getting to the creating! My artistic and supportive husband drew those sweet faces for me! A little salute to the Disney classic.
The package is in the mail, don't tell Dena I blogged her quilt before she got to see it!